Meet the Robinsons. . .a sweet family movie. Lewis is an orphan who feels he has no family, no future, no life worth much, until he meets a boy from the future who takes him on a journey of self-discovery and friendship. Okay. . .Now, onto my more colorful reviews. *wink*
This movie had outstanding graphics, then again if you turn in a movie with shitty detail, then you suck as an artist, producer, or whatever they call those folks that put all of this together for us viewers.
This isn't a knee-slapping movie; it isn't a comedy. It is a touching film, with some funny parts, but mainly it is a deep moving story. You won't leave holding your side from laughing too hard. You won't leave the theater with wet cheeks from crying either. You'll probably leave feeling the same we did. . ."Oh isn't that sweet." That's not a bad thing mind you, it's a good thing.
This movie is available at some cinemas in 3-D. We didn't see it in 3-D, but I certainly would love to! I think that would be very cool. :D
Enjoy this film with your little ones, but there's no need to rent a child for it. ;) Wait for DVD, unless you want to see it 3-D, then I'd say 3-D all the way, big screen theater and a large popcorn at your side.
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