Hmm. . . Did I like this movie? Yes, a little. Will I buy it? Yes after it has been out for a few years and goes on sale. Was I satisfied with it and recommend it to others . . .hmm. . .yes, but. . .<<< You knew that was coming didn't you.
I liked the acting. I thought it was well done. Johnny Depp comes back and plays Jack Sparrow again, just as seductive, naughty, crooked and smart ass, as he had last time.
The pirates are smarter than the Captain, just like before, but they are smart enough to let Depp upstage them, which is their job.
Davy Jones. . .ewwww. . .everything about him and his crew is yucky, but that is the way of the story. Right.
What didn't I like? The scene where Jack is thought to be a "God" ????? Maybe I was asleep or something, because that just kinda happened. One moment they were on the ship, next they are on an island, captured, men in cages, Jack a God, that is going to be eaten. . .I was like huh??? Did I disappear for a minute? My head buried in the sand??? So maybe I missed how they got to the island. I don't think so. I mean. . .I was at the drive-in and I never got out of the van. . . but maybe I was teleported during the time they made it to the island of Cannibals.
Any whooooo... the scene where Jack runs away from the natives. OMG . . it is so stupid. I don't remember if I laughed or not. I think I chuckled during the beginning of it, and then it got more silly, I just wanted the scene to end.
Everything seems rushed. They don't take the time to explain things. One minute you are here, the next your there. If you blink you'll miss where you were a minute ago and wonder where your map is so you can follow the sea. There is a guy in the movie painting a map. . .maybe we were supposed to read it, while watching the movie???
The end. . . OMG . . . I don't even want to tell you how I couldn't believe how they ended this flick. A sequeal??? Yes, we'll need one, but the way they filmed it, we'll have everyone back and happy in one minute and wonder how they got there the next.
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